Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Players on DEFENSE Miami may Take at Picks 21 and 55
On today’s DolphinsTalk.com Podcast, Mike is flying solo, talking about the upcoming NFL Draft, and on today's show, Mike is looking at the players on defense who are realistically in play for the Dolphins at Picks 21 and 55. Mike takes a look at which defensive tackles, edge rushers, and safeties the Dolphins may look to select in Rounds 1 and 2. Which ones make the most sense, and which ones have the best chance to fall in their lap? Could Miami move up a spot or two or three in Round 1 to get one if the player they love starts to fall? Then, in Round 2, which players are "likely" to still be on the board at Pick 55, and who makes sense there? He talks about trade-down options and why, in Rd 1, it may not make sense, but it would make total sense in Round 2. All this and more is on this episode of the DolphinsTalk.com Podcast.