Wednesday Jun 08, 2022 Podcast: Reporter Antwan Staley Talks Miami Dolphins Football
On today’s Podcast Mike and Ian are joined by Reporter Antwan Staley to talk about all of the latest news in the world of the Miami Dolphins. They talk about the Dolphins signing Porter Gustin, the Peter King report of the Dolphins wanting to play a game in Spain or Brazil around 2024, and of course, they share their thoughts on the Tua vs Twitter Warrior comment from last week. Mike and Ian also open up the listener mailbag to discuss Xavien Howard's Madden Rating, Tyreek Hill's upcoming Podcast and is there an attack on reporters and journalism amongst football fans these days. And are fans out of control with how they treat reporters? Do fans want truth in reporting or do they want only to be told what they want to believe? All of this and more on today’s episode of the Podcast.